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Alpha is a chrome extension that helps you keep with the the latest crypto news, coins & NFTs in one place

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Never miss an update with hand-curated news from 100+ sources

Our team of experts scour the internet for the latest content from big news outlets to substacks, providing you with only the freshly brewed content.

Track the top coins & NFTs right within your browser

Always Googling the price of BTC or can’t stop visiting CoinMarketCap? Not anymore with Alpha the top prices are displayed right within your browser.
Watchlist your favourite coins or NFTs in one click.
Keep track of the Gas prices.
This is a life saver!

I love the fact that this is right within my browser, no more opening emails or websites. I’m hooked!

Jenna Corden • Crypto Curious
Must have for crypto people
The news is always so high quality, I can’t believe this extension is free. Makes my browser looks so cool, I always get asked what extension is that.
James Gill • NFT Degen
Love it!
Why didn’t I know this before? I wasted hours finding stuff myself, and still got pretty low quality. This helps me a lot with trading!
David Smith • DeFi Trader

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